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Location, location, location

Location is everything when it comes to choosing a home for a family and the same is certainly also the case when finding a home for a school!

The vision for Bovina Center Montessori School is a school that is

  1. located on a farm with great natural scenery

  2. located in Bovina Center and

  3. located on a property large enough to accommodate for the school to have a middle school and eventually a high school, so we can all make a long-term choice for our children.

We have been looking for the ideal property for more than a year and we have several options - and a favorite - which we hope to be able to share more about in the near future.

The reason we are not able to disclose more at this point is that the family who owns our favored property has asked us not to share any information, before we are a little further in the process. They are thankfully willing to sell and approve of the idea of turning their place into a school.

We are confident that everyone will understand and respect their wishes. Safe to say, the property offers all of the characteristics and priorities that we've set ourselves, in order to support our vision for the school. Just this week, we were going over the architect floor-plans for the first three classrooms, which are to be reconfigured to comply with NYS regulations. And they are looking so promising - we cannot wait to share!

Rest assured, we expect to have classroom and outdoor facilities that are 100% ready and approved by NYS Education Department in order to start the school. We are daily working on getting closer to being able to secure the necessary loans for the property, so we finally can reveal to you our dream location!

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